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City of Seattle Tackles IT Centralization and Gains 3,000 Hours Annually with Nicus

Like many other State and Local Government entities, City of Seattle’s Central IT was managing the IT planning process (including budgets, forecasts, and actuals) in Excel spreadsheets. The team was faced with multiple challenges including time-consuming budget adjustments, difficult data gathering, and complex and burdensome spreadsheets (often emailed back and forth).

The City of Seattle evaluated several ITFM tools/vendors in hopes that Central IT could not only properly manage an initiative to consolidate IT divisions but also create operational efficiencies that could lead the organization to true IT cost transparency and informed decision making.

The City chose Nicus. Unlike other ITFM vendors, Nicus understood the unique needs of local government. “Nicus could talk the same language,”said Patti DeFazio, the City of Seattle’s Deputy Director of Operations.


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